Which of the following statements regarding the Integrity Monitoring Protection Module is true?
What is the result of performing a Reset operation on a Deep Security Agent?
Recommendation scans can detect applications and/or vulnerabilities on servers on the network. Which of the following Protection Modules make use of Recommendation scans?
Your organization would like to implement a mechanism to alert administrators when files on a protected servers are modified or tampered with. Which Deep Security Protection Module should you enable to provide this functionality?
Where does Deep Security Manager store the credentials it uses to access the database?
Multi-tenancy is enabled in Deep Security and new tenants are created. Where does the new tenant data get stored when using SQL Server as the Deep Security database?
Which of the following statements is true regarding Intrusion Prevention protection?
Which of following statements best describes Machine Learning in Deep Security?
A Recommendation Scan is run to determine which Intrusion Prevention rules are appropriate for a Server. The scan is configured to apply the suggested rules automatically and ongoing scans are enabled. Some time later, an operating system patch is applied. How can you de-termine which Intrusion Prevention rules are no longer needed on this Server?
A Deep Security administrator wishes to monitor a Windows SQL Server database and be alerted of any critical events which may occur on that server. How can this be achieved using Deep Security?
What is the purpose of the Deep Security Notifier?
Which of the following statements correctly describes Smart Folders?