Sheela is told to prepare a report on the most commonly occurring product defects. She reviews the software defect reports, which categorize the defects as coding errors, requirements errors, documentation errors, etc. The best tool to report this information is:
Function points measure the lines of code.
The term "Defect" is related to the term "Fault" because a fault is a defect, which has not yet been identified.
The Cost of Quality is usually the____________.
A standard is not an expected norm
A large portion of the cost of quality is usually the cost of rework.
The scope, management and analysis of data depend upon.
National Quality Awards are intended to foster continuous improvement activities.
Inspections may or may not involve the author of the work product.
Which of the following definitions apply to the cost of quality?
The Pareto analysis is most effective for_______________.
The receivers of an information systems service are known as a users.
What is the primary objective of the system proposal from the producer's viewpoint?
The process of identifying the kinds of software failures that can occur and then quantifying how likely it is that they will actually occur is ______________.
The average time between consecutive failures in a system or component during a specified period is known as the mean time between failures (MTBF).
White Box testing assumes that the path of logic in a unit or program is not known.
With a little experience, management can soon see that process optimization can produce major quality and productivity benefits.
Quality assurance of products and services category has a very strong process and systems orientation throughout.