Given the following entry in the SAS log:
Which alternate method could you use to?
• Transpose all data
• Not produce a warning message in the log
This question will ask you to provide a line of missing code.
Given the following data set LABS(only first 10 lines shown):
In the space below, enter the statement that completes the program to produce the desired output (Case is ignored. Do not add leading or trailing spaces to your answer.).
Which CDISC filename contains the following items?
• Variable attributes
• Controlled terminology
• Computational methods
Enter your answer in the space below (Case is ignored. Do not add leading or trailing spaces to your answer.).
Given the SAS data set WORK.BP
What is the result?
The following SAS program is submitted:
If the value for the variable Subjcode is "WGT2", what is the value of the variable Description?
A Treatment-Emergent Adverse Event (TEAE) is commonly defined as any event that occurs on or after the date and time of:
This question will ask you to provide lines of missing code.
Which ODS statements, inserted respectively in the two locations indicated above, create a report stored in a PDF file?
This question will ask you to provide a section of missing code.
Given the input SAS data set LABRAW:
Which DO LOOP will create the output SAS data set WORK.LAB_NEW?
This question will ask you to provide a line of missing code.
Given the dataset RAWBP that is sorted by SUBJECT TEST WEEK:
Which statement must be added to the program to calculate relative change in percent (percent change) from baseline?
The following SAS program is submitted: data WORK.ALL;
How will the data sets ONE and TWO be combined?
What information can be found in the SAS Dictionary tables? (Choose two.)
This question will ask you to provide a line of missing code.
The following SAS program is submitted:
Which macro call prints all records from each dataset in library DB?
Given the SAS data set containing subject's phone numbers
What is the value of PHONE2 for subject 005?
Given the VITALS data set: