Which business object must you use to create a stability study?
Which inspection origin creates only unplanned physical samples?
You can assign objects to the item of a quality notification.Which of the following object categories are supported in the SAP S/4HANA standard system?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Your consumer wants to receive quality certificates from its venders electronically. Where do you define the data and PDF transfer?
Your consumer wants to perform an inspection at the vender's site instead of performing one
during goods receipt.....
Where must you change the settings in the system?
You can user business application programing interface (BAPIs) for different tests Which of the following statements describes a BAPI?
Your customer requires the lab to use quantitate characteristics during a production result
Which result confirmation control indicators are available for quantitative results
Which of the following QM business processes can require a user's digital signature?(3 Correct Ans)
Your business requirements demand production triggers.
Which of the following events in production can create an inspection lot(3 Correct Ans)
What is the difference audit between audit question and corrective preventive action? Correct 2
Which of the following physical sample categories can you create from a primary sample (2 correct ans )
Which catalogue types require the use of selection sets? Correct 2
Which of the following documents can you use as a reference document. When creating a vender notification? Correct 3
How many times can you execute the task step of an initial sample in a stability study?
What type of task lists can the calibration planner assign to a maintenance plan to perform a calibration inspection? Note : 2 correct answer
You use a status profile in the quality info record in procurement, under which circumstances does the system create an inspection
lot of the
next supplier relationship during gr processing?
How does the system handle equipment and functional locations in an inspection lot in calibration inspection?
For which of the following QM elements can the short text be maintained in only one language
The sample-drawing procedure contains one or more sample-drawing items.Which information can be found in the sample-drawing item?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
When creating an operation step in an inspection plan , which of the following is mandatory?
Which partner role is available in a standard vendor notification
What must you do in configuration to enable defects recording during an inspection with inspection lots? Note : 2 correct answer
which copy model must user maintain in a Master inspection character to forbid changes in Inspection plan
During the creation of an inspection lot which quality management master data automatically trigger Physical sample documents?
By integrating the QM component in the production process, you can monitor and document
process capability and the quality of products.
Which statistical and graphical tools does SAP provide to monitor a process ?
From which tables does quality management information system (QMIS) retrieve data?
You have assigned a dynamic modification level to an inspection plan, which dynamic modification criterion is pre-defined and not editable?