Why might you use the .on option to hook event handlers to a service?Note: There are 2 correct ans-wers to this que-stion.
Which actions are executed in Cloud Foundry under the Deploy & Execute phase when you run an application? Note: There are 3 correct ans-wers to this que-stion.
Why would you choose an HDI-shared service plan instead of a schema service plan? Note: There are 3 correct ans-wers to this que-stion.
In the Run Configurations view, you can see the available dependencies as defined in the package.json file.To which of the following can you bind or unbind these dependencies?Note: There are 3 correct ans-wers to this que-stion.
Which file can an administrator use to augment the Multi-Target Application (MTA) model in the deployment descriptor?
Which of the following are predefined pseudo-roles supported by the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model?Note: There are 2 correct ans-wers to this que-stion.
What is contained within the Application part of the index.html?
To which authorization objects can the SAP HANA Cloud Administrator assign business users?
How can domain experts and developers collaborate to focus on domain problems using the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model?Note: There are 2 correct ans-wers to this que-stion.
Which of the following elements are part of the SAPUI5 application's index.html file?Note: There are 2 correct ans-wers to this que-stion.
What can you do to personalize SAP Business Application Studio?Note: There are 2 correct ans-wers to this que-stion.
What are the aspects of a Multi-Target Application (MTA) model in the lifecycle management of distributed applications? Note: There are 3 correct ans-wers to this que-stion.