What will you to send a real time email to a customer with a dynamic buy link when available stock goes below 50? Select 2.
What are the functionalities of ad studio. Select multiple.
How does social studio unify anonymous and known identities?
Difference between inbox message and in app message.
What is prerequisite for email/web recommendations: select 2
Decision split using contact data not working, myorders DE with 1 to many relationship configured in attribute group. What questions you need to ask to troubleshoot. Select multiple
How does real time interaction management (RTM) in IS help marketer to provide personalized content to user, Select multiple
What is true about shared entry event.
Benefit of IS(advanced real-time personalization across various channel, unified customer profile) ----
Where would you set a threshold limit in social studio
What is true about Einstein engagement frequency (EEF). Select 3
How are profiles merged In IS: