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PECB ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Exam Exam Practice Test

QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Exam Questions and Answers

Question 1

You work for an organisation, 'A', which provides packaged food to the public. You are asked to lead a team (you as the leader and two other

auditors) to audit a supplier, 'B', which provides packaging materials to your organisation. It is 4 p.m. and the audit is close to an end; you are having

an internal meeting with the team to decide what will be presented to the auditee during the Closing meeting. The Closing meeting was scheduled

for 5 p.m.

You, as audit team leader, audited top management, the laboratory, and the storage of raw materials.

Auditor 1 audited the two manufacturing lines and dispatch areas.

You to Auditor 1: "What findings would you report?"

Auditor 1: "When reviewing the Dispatch records, I noticed that during the morning two different trucks (Number 011 and 025) delivered the same

batch number of the product (Batch 33555). Truck 011 left the plant at 9.15 am and Truck 025 left the plant at 11.30 am. Procedure P-02 Rev.3 says

that trucks should carry a complete batch. The batch number, once on the truck, is captured using a QR device."

You: "OK, what do you think?"

Auditor 2: "I think that this is a nonconformity."

You: "OK. How would you describe the evidence on which the nonconformity will be based"?

Identify which one of the following statements best describes the identified nonconformity.



Dispatch personnel are not fully aware of the need to conform to written procedures.


Dispatch personnel do not always carry out its activities in conformance with Procedure P-02 rev 3.


The batch 33555 was delivered split in two different trucks (011 and 025).


A product delivered to the client was not identified as required in P-02 Rev 3.

Question 2

You are an auditor from a construction organisation who is conducting a second party audit to ISO 9001 at a steel rolling mill producing

structural steelwork. When auditing the rolling process, you find that the operator who is unloading the furnace does not use the

adjacent infrared pyrometer to measure the appropriate product temperature in readiness for the next production stage.

You: "How do you tell when the billet is ready for the rolling stage?"

Operator: "I've done this job for 20 years. I can tell by the bright red colour."

You: "What happens if the colour is wrong?"

Operator: "The billet goes back into the furnace."

You: "Is the pyrometer ever used?"

Operator: "Only in borderline cases."

You continue to interview the operator and find that around 25% of the billets are sent back to the furnace. This includes 80% of the borderline cases.

Select three options that would provide evidence of conformance with clause 9.1.1 of ISO 9001.



Periodic analysis of the results of temperature checks.


Certification of conformance to national standards from the manufacture of the pyrometer.


An increase in the use of the pyrometer by operators.


Maintenance plan for the furnace.


A procedure that provides instruction in taking billet temperature.


Planning for monitoring and measuring the billet temperature.


A quality objective to achieve lower recycle rates for billets.

Question 3

You are conducting a third-party Stage 1 audit at ABC Ltd, a single-site organisation that manufactures wooden furniture. You interview the Technical Director to learn more about the organisation. The Technical Director explains that they have had a successful year and that obtaining ISO 9001 certification will support the further growth of the business. You ask for an overview of the organisation's structure and its interrelationships with external interested parties.

The Technical Director shows you a document detailing all business processes and interrelationships. You notice in this document that another organisation called Teak Ltd manufactures wooden furniture on behalf of ABC Ltd. The Technical Director confirms this capability has been accounted for in the scope of the quality management system. You learn that the furniture manufactured by Teak Ltd has accounted for 40% of the sales revenue over the previous 12 months.

Which two of the following options best describe how you would plan the audit of the interrelationship with Teak Ltd during the Stage 2 audit at ABC Ltd?



Verify Teak Ltd supply arrangements as described in the ABC Ltd quality management system


Verify if Teak Ltd are certified to ISO 9001


Verify the controls concerning customer property implemented by Teak Ltd


Verify how ABC Ltd evaluates the performance of Teak Ltd


Verify the quality management system at Teak Ltd by conducting an audit at their site


Verify whether the design processes of Teak Ltd comply with ISO 9001

Question 4

You work for organisation A. You are asked to lead an internal audit of A's quality management system. It has a head office in Plant A1 and a second Plant A2 nearby. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, production in A2 was discontinued and it was rented to a logistics organisation B, not related to A. There are no A employees working in A2. Organisation A expects to reassume production in A2 as soon as possible.

Which of the following actions would you consider appropriate when planning the internal audit of A's quality management system?



Visit Plant A2 to interview personnel of company B


Visit Plant A2 to interview B's quality manager


Visit Plant A2 to interview A's security personnel and B's maintenance department


Interview the A2 plant manager, now working in Plant A1

Question 5

Match the process descriptions below to the process names:


Question 6

The following are stages of an audit, put them in the order they would be conducted.


Question 7

Which two of the following statements related to Stage 1 of an initial certification audit against ISO 9001:2015 are true?



During the Stage 1 audit, the audit team:


Verifies the degrees of customer satisfaction


Evaluates the conditions of all sites


Reviews the client's management system documented information


Evaluates the results of the last management review


Verifies the compliance with legal requirements


Reviews the processes with high level of risk

Question 8

You work as an external quality consultant for an organisation, 'A', which provides packaged food to the public. You are asked to lead a team (you as the leader and two other auditors) to audit a supplier, 'B', to ISO 9001 which provides packaging materials to your organisation. It is 4 pm and the audit is close to an end; you are having an internal meeting with the team to decide what will be presented to the auditee during the Closing meeting. The Closing meeting was scheduled at 5 pm.

You, as Audit Team Leader, audited top management. You explain to the audit team that you identified two nonconformities:

a. There is no documented information on Top Management Reviews, as required in clause 9.3 of ISO 9001:2015.

b. There is no evidence of Top Management Commitment as required in clause 5.1 of ISO 9001:2015. (e.g., not ensuring the availability of resources

to operate the QMS, not ensuring the establishment of objectives, no promotion of improvement, no promotion of the process approach).

All agreed to present these two nonconformities. They went to meet the Top Management of 'B' and noticed that the General Manager and three other managers (Production, Human Resources, and Sales) were present in the meeting room.

Considering the seriousness of the two nonconformities to Top Management, as audit team leader, from the following select the best option:



Present the nonconformities to the whole group and inform that you will recommend your company to remove them from the approved suppliers list.


Present the nonconformities to the managers, inform them that the report will be sent within 10 days, close the meeting and leave the site.


Ask the General Manager to have a private conversation in which you present the nonconformities only to him because of their sensitive nature.


Present the nonconformities to the whole group and analyse with them how to overcome this situation.

Question 9

An internal auditor of a manufacturer of polystyrene packaging products for the electronics industry raised a nonconformity against section 10.3 of ISO 9001 in Report IA202. The nonconformity (NC 3) stated:

"The reject rate of the finished product of 9.7% needs improvement as it doesn't meet the stated objective of top management of 5%."

As the third-party auditor reviewing the internal audit process, you come across the nonconformity. For corrective action, the Quality Manager conducted an investigation into the reject rates. He reported that the collection baskets for products ejecting from the moulding machines were not large enough. About 6% of products fell onto the wet and dirty factory floor. Management stated that replacing the baskets was too costly and ordered the Maintenance Manager to ensure that the floor was kept clean and dry to prevent rejects. The auditor later checked the factory floor, which was wet and dirty in places.

From the following nonconformities, select three that the auditor could raise to ISO 9001.



10.3 - The organisation did not continuously improve. Reject rates were unchanged.


7.1.4 - The factory environment is not suitably maintained to prevent dirty products.


7.1.1 - The organisation failed to provide the required resources to prevent nonconforming products.


9.2.2 - Report IA202 contained a poorly worded nonconformity (NC 3).


8.6 - Dirty products were released to the customer.


7.3 - Staff were not aware that products were falling onto the factory floor.


10.2.1 - Conduct of an investigation was not sufficient to understand the cause of the nonconformity.

Question 10

Takitup is a small fabrication organisation that manufactures steel fencing, stairs and platforms for the construction sector. It has been certified to ISO 9001 for some time and has appointed a new Quality Manager. The audit plan during a surveillance audit covers the organisation's improvement actions and the auditor asks to see the most recent management review meeting minutes.

The auditor finds that the management review report records that none of the improvement actions set by the previous review has been realised for a second time. A new Quality Manager has been brought in at the middle management level to rectify the situation as the organisation is concerned that it might lose its certification.

Select three options that would provide evidence of conformance with clause 10.3 of ISO 9001.



Outsource more processes to external providers


Removing expensive external providers from the database.


An increase in the number of quality staff.


A quality objective to achieve lower reject rates by quality control.


Considering results from the analysis of the effectiveness of corrective actions to determine improvement opportunities.


The certification body auditor reporting fewer nonconformities.


An enhanced customer satisfaction survey score than in the previous year.

Question 11

You are carrying out an audit at a single-site organisation seeking certification to ISO 9001 for the first time. The organisation manufactures

cosmetics for major retailers.

You are interviewing the Manufacturing Manager (MM).

You: "I would like to begin by looking at the cleaning controls."

MM: "We record the cleaning of the equipment at the end of every batch. This document details the minimum cleaning frequency and the

procedures to follow for all areas and each item of equipment. The person who carries out the cleaning puts their initial on the document and records

the time and date alongside."

Narrative: You sample production records over 3-days and note down evidence of nonconformity as per the table below.


Question 12

An internal auditor of a manufacturer of polystyrene packaging products for the electronics industry raised a nonconformity against section 10.3 of ISO 9001 in Report

IA202. The nonconformity (NC 3) stated:

"The reject rate of 'finished' product of 9.7% needs improvement as it doesn't meet the stated objective of top management of 5%."

Just before the Closing meeting of a third-party audit, the audit team leader is invited to a meeting with the Quality Manager. He tells the audit team leader that a

member of the audit team was seen taking photographs of the factory on his phone during the day and wants him suspended from the Closing meeting with any

nonconformities raised by him rescinded. The issue of photographs was not discussed during the opening meeting.

Select the three options for how the audit team leader might deal with this situation.



Insist that the nonconformities must stand since they have been agreed by the team from other evidence gathered


Delay the Closing meeting until the audit team leader has consulted his audit programme manager at Head Office


Advise the Quality Manager that the auditor will be reported to Head Office


State that the auditor will take no further part in the audit and all his photographs will be deleted


Apologise for the situation and ensure the Quality Manager that all photographs will be deleted during the Closing meeting


Advise the Quality Manager that he, as audit team leader, needs to speak to the auditor about the situation and he will report back to the Quality Manager once this is done

Question 13

Noitol is an organisation specialising in the design and production of e-learning training materials for the insurance market. During an ISO 9001 audit of the development department, the auditor asks the Head of Development about the process used for validation of the final course design. She states that they usually ask customers to validate the product with volunteers. She says that the feedback received often leads to key improvements.

The auditor samples the design records for a recently completed course for the 247 Insurance organisation. Design verification was carried out but there was no validation report. The Head of Development advises that this customer required the product on an urgent basis, so the validation stage was omitted. When asked, the Head estimates that this occurs about 50% of the time. She confirms that they always ask for feedback and often make changes. There is no record of feedback in the design file for the course.

The auditor decides to review the training course design process in more depth.

Select three options that provide a meaningful audit trail for this process.



How are students advised about prior learning requirements?


How is customer feedback integrated into the course?


How is the cost of the course calculated?


What risks and opportunities have been notified to interested parties?


How is design documentation controlled and managed?


How is technical content of courses verified as correct?


How is the tutor trained to deliver the completed course?

Question 14

In the context of a third-party audit, select the issue which is not expected to be included in the audit plan.



Number of sites to be audited


Risk to achieving audit objectives


Expectations of the organisation's management


Scope of the audit

Question 15

You have been nominated audit team leader of a third-party audit. Which of the following could be the two most relevant objectives of this audit?



Evaluate the satisfaction interested parties


Evaluate the effectiveness of the management system


Identify the need of resources


Evaluate the capability of the management system to establish and achieve objectives


Identify opportunities for improvement


Evaluate the benefits obtained since the implementation of the management system

Question 16

Select six of the activities that are specifically required by ISO 17021-1 as part third-party (Certification Body) surveillance audit processes.



Audit use of certification marks on marketing materials.


Review changes to the QMS since last visit.


Confirm effectiveness of internal audit and management review.


Complete a full document review of the quality management system.


Failing to meet financial responsibilities.


Review the status of previously raised findings and audit effectiveness of any outstanding findings.


Review the calibration status of the instrumentation.

Question 17

Select the term which best describes the quality management system process of modifying a non-conforming product to bring it within acceptance criteria.







Corrective action


Preventive action

Question 18

During a third-party audit of a pharmaceutical organisation (CD9000) site of seven COVID-19 testing laboratories in various terminals at

a major international airport, you interview the CD 9000's General Manager (GM), who was accompanied by Jack, the legal compliance

expert. Jack is acting as the guide in the absence of the Technical Manager due to him contracting COVID-19.

You: "What external and internal issues have been identified that could affect CD9000 and its quality management system?"

GM: "Jack guided us on this. We identified issues like probable competition of another laboratory organisation in the airport, legal

requirements on COVID-19 continuously changing, the shortage of competent laboratory analysists, the epidemic declining soon,

shortage of chemicals for the analysis. It was quite a good experience."

You: "Did you document these issues?"

GM: "No. Jack said that ISO 9001 does not require us to document these issues."

You: "How did you determine the risks associated with the issues and did you plan actions to address them?"

GM: "I am not sure. The Technical Manager is responsible for this process. Jack may be able to answer this question in his absence."

Select two options for how you would respond to the General Manager's suggestion:



I would not accept the legal compliance expert answering the question.


I would ask to audit the Technical Manager by phone.


I would delay the audit until the return of the technical manager


I would look for evidence that the actions resulting from the risk assessment had been taken.


I would ask for a different guide instead of the legal compliance expert.


I would ask the consultant to leave the meeting since he is not an employee of the organisation.