Choose the correct answer:
Which statement is correct about a Decision Node?
Choose the correct answer: Which construct specifies all possible valid traces?
Choose the correct answer:
What is correct about the modeling of individual things with UML?
Choose the correct answer: What is a coregion?
Choose the correct answer: Consider the following piece of UML definition:
What is the typing of xx. xy and result?
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Which concept is used in AN to represent a model element such as a class or an activity?
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A modeler has been asked to provide an alternate graphical and textual concrete syntax for a set of Actions.
Which statement is true regarding this task?
Choose the correct answer:
Consider the following diagram:
What kind of model element is chentNo?
Choose the correct answer:
Given the following fragment from a profile definition:
Which statement is correct regarding the application of the profile?
Choose the correct answer:
What must a modeler do to use an Action that coordinates other Actions?
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Consider the following diagram fragment:
Which statement is correct?
Choose the correct answer:
Which class sits at the top of the MOF class hierarchy?
Choose the correct answer:
You are asked to provide UML model content such that other modelers may use the Classes of your model as modular, partial specifications to be more fully specified by their models. You decide to provide a Vehicle Class that represents a partial specification of automobiles and allows tailoring of this class through the other modelers' choices of kinds of propulsion such as a gasoline motor, an electric engine, or a manual cyclesystem. You want to limit whichClass kinds the other modelers can choose as their propulsion system.
Which tactic appropriately exploits UML's syntax and semantics for modular reification?
Choose the correct answer:
Consider the following sequence diagram GO:
What is always true according to the diagram?
Choose the correct answer: Consider the following diagram fragment:
Assume that the system is in StateAl Which sequence of triggers will move the system to StateC?
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What is true about a MOF 2.x Model?
Choose the correct answer:
In fUML. how must an execution model be modeled?
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Given the following diagram fragment:
Which review comment is valid and applicable?
Choose the correct answer:
Consider the following diagram:
What could be substituted for myTypel?
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What is a reason for fUML lo be compact?
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Which input element does lexical analysis of Action Language for Foundational UML text discard?
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Where does UML explicitly intend String Expression elements to be used?
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Consider the following diagram:
When this behavior is executed, which event will occur last?
Choose the correct answer:
Which interpretation is valid when NamedElement A is the Supplier in a specialized Dependency having NamedElement B as the Client, and a Comment indicates that A and B participate in a transformation?
Choose the correct answer:
A developer wants to make sure that each specialization of Class Bicycle has its own unique set of values for the suitable road surface and average speed
Which diagram imposes these requirements?
Choose the correct answer:
What should a modeler do lo represent specific hardware environments In a deployment model?
Choose the correct answer:
An organization has determined that they want to add the capability to create and add requirement elements to their UML models. They also want to create a unique relationship for tracing requirements to other model elements.
What is the appropriate approach to do this?