What is the GIC code for SWM?
The customer is opening a trouble ticket because the product they bought doesn't have a feature considered important to them. What does the Care Program Manager have to do?
What needs to be done if a 3rd Party Service Contract is due to expire?
What is an additional possible use of a well made Care Plan?
What are the CaPM responsibilities regarding cost management?
Variable costs:
Which of the following tasks, according to the Care Program Manager's job description, is NOT part of Care Operation Management?
The largest impact on the SPC rate comes from:
What is the content of the Care Plan?
Who should NOT participate in a Care Services tender?
What is the most relevant element to be analyzed when performing a risk analysis of the Service Level commitment with the Customer?
Which of the following statements is true for GCC charges?
The Care Plan should be updated:
Who provides engineering resources to Care?
The Care contract scope has changed, what should the CaPM do first?
The forecast for the half-year fluctuates a lot each period, but the Care service level is stable. One way to improve the forecasting is:
At the Care Contract Renewal Milestone 3 "First Proposal" which topic should be agreed before the contract is presented to the Customer?
What are the four pillars of Care?