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IFSE Institute LLQP Life License Qualification Program (LLQP) Exam Practice Test

Demo: 45 questions
Total 150 questions

Life License Qualification Program (LLQP) Questions and Answers

Question 1

Oliver, an insurance agent, meets with Roman and Julie. They are a married couple with a five-year-old son William. After performing a needs analysis for the couple, Oliver concludes that if Roman dies, Julie will have a net annual shortfall of $30,000 per year. Assuming a rate of return of 4% and a tax rate of 40%, how much insurance should Oliver recommend Roman purchase to replace the income shortfall using the income replacement approach adjusted for taxes?










Question 2

Jasper owns TeleVida, a successful production company with over 50 employees. He wants to expand the company by opening an office in another province. Jasper needs to take out a $500,000 20-year loan to make this expansion happen. However, he wants to make sure that if he dies while there’s an outstanding balance on the loan, the balance will be paid in full by the insurance company.



20-year decreasing term life insurance.


20-year term life insurance.


Term-100 life insurance policy.


Universal life insurance policy.

Question 3

Goran and Tanja married two years ago. Last year, they purchased and moved into a three-bedroom house in the suburbs. The current balance on their mortgage is $655,000. They meet with Ljubomir, an insurance agent, to purchase a joint term life insurance policy to cover the mortgage. When Ljubomir asks about their existing coverage, Goran shares that he has none. Tanja explains that she owns a universal life (UL) policy with a level death benefit of $50,000 and a cash surrender value (CSV) of $5,000, purchased 6 years ago from another agent. Tanja would like to surrender her UL policy and use the $5,000 CSV to pay for a trip to Europe. What additional information about Tanja's UL policy does Ljubomir need to collect?



The investment vehicle of the policy's CSV.


The adjusted cost basis (ACB) and surrender charges of the policy's CSV.


The dividends and paid-up additions.


The premiums upon renewal.

Question 4

Axel owns a $150,000 whole life insurance policy with an accumulated cash surrender value (CSV) of $20,000. His monthly premiums are $300, due on the fifth day of each month. Axel misses his November 5 premium payment and then dies a few weeks later, on November 20.










Question 5

On February 5, Ayla started working at Larson Group Inc. as an administrative assistant. Larson Group offers all employees a group health, dental and life insurance plan that commences after a 3-month waiting period. On April 7, Ayla felt ill and drove herself to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed two clogged arteries and performed an emergency surgery. Ayla was unable to work for 2 months, then died of complications on June 9. Will the group insurance plan pay the death benefit?



Yes, because she died of natural causes.


Yes, because her group life coverage started on May 5.


No, because Ayla was not actively at work when the coverage started.


No, because Ayla did not provide the insurer with any proof of insurability.

Question 6

Joseph, a retired jeweler, meets with Larry, an insurance agent with Summit Life Co., to review Joseph's life insurance needs. Joseph has made it clear in his will that upon his death, his son will inherit his collection of diamond necklaces, valued at $1.8 million.

What type of asset is Joseph's diamond necklace collection considered to be?



Liquid asset.


Investment asset.


Fixed asset.


Pension asset.

Question 7

Bea is a married 65-year-old woman applying for a life insurance policy. She meets with Stanley, her insurance agent, to review her insurance needs. Stanley inquires if Bea has started receiving Old Age Security (OAS) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits. Why is it important for Stanley to know this?



These funds are taxable and may increase her need for life insurance.


Her life insurance needs may decrease if she is retired.


Her spouse may be eligible for survivor benefits upon her death.


To calculate her retirement income.

Question 8

Maeve is an Ontario resident. Fifteen years ago, she purchased a $250,000 whole life insurance policy and named her husband Guillaume as the primary beneficiary and her 4-year-old son Edwin as the contingent beneficiary. Last week, Tasha, Maeve's insurance agent called her to ask if she has had any life changes that would warrant a meeting to review her insurance coverage. Maeve informs her that over the last year she divorced Guillaume and that she is now living with her new boyfriend Eduardo. Tasha asks to meet Maeve to review her beneficiary designation. Who will receive Maeve's death benefit if she dies today?









Maeve’s estate

Question 9

Konrad is the owner of CrossBoy, a manufacturing company employing over 50 employees. Konrad recently took out a $500,000 loan to expand his business. Terrence works as a sales manager and is responsible for roughly 40% of the company’s revenue. Konrad recognizes the importance of Terrence's contributions to the success of the company. Therefore, in addition to a sizeable basesalary, CrossBoy also pays Terrence regular performance-based bonuses. Konrad understands that if Terrence dies prematurely, CrossBoy would suffer financially. What should he do to protect his company?



Offer Terrence group life insurance plan.


Purchase business-owned buy-agreement with Terrence.


Purchase key person life insurance on Terrence.


Purchase criss-cross insurance with Terrence.

Question 10

Kalei owns a $250,000 life insurance policy with an accumulated cash surrender value of $75,000. She meets with her insurance agent Pamela to inform her that she quit her job last week. She wants to start an online business and needs $40,000 to fund the inventory and cover her living expenses for a few months. She heard that it was possible to obtain a loan using her policy at a 5% interest rate. Which of the following statements about collateral assignment is CORRECT?



Upon Kalei's death, the insurance company will only reimburse the bank the entire $40,000 that she borrowed.


Kalei is prohibited from doing anything with her policy that could affect the value of the security.


Kalei must name the bank as an irrevocable beneficiary of the policy until the debt is paid off.


The bank is the new policyholder and beneficiary of the policy.

Question 11

Paola, an employee at Horizon Pharmaceuticals, was recently diagnosed with depression. She is unable to work and is receiving tax-free disability insurance benefits due to her condition. Paola is deeply indebted, and her creditors have been garnishing a portion of her pay for the last year. She is worried about her creditors also garnishing her disability benefit.

Can her disability benefits be seized by her creditors?



Yes, disability insurance benefits are seizable.


Yes, but creditors can only seize up to 50% of her benefit.


No, because the benefits are tax-free.


No, because she is disabled.

Question 12

Which organization provides protection for holders of segregated fund contracts in Canada if the insurer becomes insolvent?



Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation


Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations




OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance

Question 13

Surjit and Rajbir get married in 2010 and Surjit names Rajbir as the irrevocable beneficiary of his life insurance contract. In 2017, the couple divorces amiably and Surjit meets with his insurance representative, Ivan, to review his plans. Surjit tells Ivan that he would like to keep Rajbir as his beneficiary. What should Ivan counsel his client to do?



Surjit does not need to do anything as Rajbir is already the named beneficiary.


Surjit cannot make any changes to the policy without Rajbir’s consent as she is the irrevocable beneficiary of his policy.


Surjit should name a different beneficiary now that he is divorced.


Surjit should once again designate Rajbir as the beneficiary.

Question 14

Cassie applies for a $100,000 renewable 10-year term insurance policy through Mason, her insurance of persons representative. A month later, when Mason meets with Cassie again to deliver her contract, Cassie says she had to have a biopsy the previous week for a persistent cough. Mason tells her not to worry because the policy is already accepted. He completes the policy delivery. Six months later, Mason receives a call from Cassie's boyfriend informing him that Cassie died of stage 4 throat cancer.

How will the insurance company handle the claim?



No death benefit will be paid because Cassie died within 2 years of obtaining the policy.


No death benefit will be paid because Mason did not inform the insurance company of the change in Cassie’s insurability.


The death benefit will be paid because Cassie visited the doctor after filling out the application form.


The death benefit will be paid although Mason was negligent for delivering the policy and he would be liable towards the insurer.

Question 15

Nathalie worked for 25 years as an administrative assistant at a manufacturing company. When she left the company 10 years ago, she transferred the money that she accumulated from the company’s pension plan into a locked-in retirement account (LIRA). Now she is 60 years of age and would like to withdraw the money from the LIRA.

Under which of the following circumstances would Nathalie be allowed to withdraw her funds?



She moved to Arizona last year.


She is disabled and her life expectancy is reduced.


She is retiring.


She will start collecting QPP benefits.

Question 16

Bernadette, a 27-year-old single woman, earns $78,000 annually as a production assistant. She meets with Howard, her insurance agent, to purchase an accidental death and dismemberment insurance contract. Bernadette fills out the application form, the application is accepted, and the effective date is the date of acceptance of the application. Why is the effective date of Bernadette’s policy the same as the date of acceptance?



She has a low-risk profession.


She is a woman.


She is in her twenties.


There is no medical underwriting.

Question 17

Ae-Cha starts working for the manufacturer, Premier Vibe Inc., a company that offers its employees group insurance with Sprout Life Insurance. Ae-Cha meets with Devon, the group insurance representative, and learns that her group plan includes $75,000 of life insurance coverage. Ae-Cha would like to know who designates the beneficiary on the life insurance.



Premier Vibe Inc.






Sprout Life

Question 18

Emeka, a new insurance agent with Sunrise Insurance, meets with her client, Mosi. After analyzing Mosi's needs, Emeka determines that Mosi's current life insurance coverage with Starlight Insurance is more than sufficient. Nevertheless, she persuades Mosi to cancel his existing coverage and buy a new life insurance policy with Sunrise Insurance. She believes this is a good compromise because Mosi will have the coverage he needs, and the new transaction will pay her a commission. Which of the following offences did Emeka commit?



Inducing to insure.







Question 19

Vladimir is a new insurance agent with Family-Assure Inc. He and his supervisor Petros are reviewing the information collected during Vladimir's first meeting with Vanessa, a restaurant owner looking to add to her existing disability insurance (DI) coverage. Petros notices an overlap among sources, although the existing coverage appears adequate. Petros reminds Vladimir to explain to Vanessa how she would be impacted if she were to claim disability benefits.

What should Vladimir tell Vanessa?



Her DI benefits may be scaled back accordingly.


It is more prudent to leave current coverage in place regardless of the overlap.


Overlapping among sources may result in longer waiting periods.


The insurer may refuse payment due to the appearance of fraud.

Question 20

Xavier meets and fills out an application form with Jose, an insurance representative, because he would like to purchase a critical illness insurance policy. When Jose asks Xavier about his alcohol consumption, Xavier admits he regularly drinks 10 beers a day.

What is the next step in the application process?



The insurance company will automatically refuse the application.


The insurance company will accept the application with an exclusion for alcohol consumption.


Jose should refuse the request.


Xavier will have to fill out a questionnaire detailing his alcohol consumption.

Question 21

Anvi owns individual disability insurance that she purchased 5 years ago. At the time of application, she was a semi-professional boxer. Gamma Insurance Inc. offered her the disability policy with an exclusion stating that if she became disabled while boxing, the benefit would not be paid.

This week, while reviewing her insurance needs with Tyron, her insurance agent, she mentions that she retired from boxing and wants to know how, or if, this will affect her policy.

What should Tyron tell her?



The policy will be unaffected.


The exclusion may be removed, but the premiums will remain the same.


The exclusion may be removed, and the premiums will decrease.


The exclusion may be removed, and the benefit will increase.

Question 22

Constantin is a 47-year-old marketing manager earning an annual salary of $175,000, who, together with his husband, recently purchased a house. A few years ago, Constantin was terminated from his previous position, and it took him two years to find similar employment in his field. The prolonged lack of income caused him to accumulate substantial debt. Today, after several years of sensible budgeting, the only debt remaining is his mortgage. He purchased disability and life insurance on the mortgage at the bank.

Given this information, what is Constantin's greatest financial risk?



Loss of income.


Lower standard of living.


Unexpected expenses.



Question 23

Kiril is the sole proprietor of a small gym with five employees. His sales manager, Antoine, is a former Olympic athlete, responsible for generating close to 50% of all revenues for the gym. Thanks to Antoine's popular social media presence, the gym is profitable and growing rapidly. However, Kiril has concerns about the future profitability of his gym should Antoine become ill or injured since the other employees are not local celebrities and would not be able to replace Antoine’s contribution to the business.

Which of the following types of insurance policy would protect the gym if Antoine were unable to work?



Business loan protection disability insurance on Antoine.


Disability buyout insurance.


Key person disability insurance on Antoine.


Disability business overhead expense insurance on Antoine.

Question 24

Dominic suffers a heart attack on October 1 and dies a little over a month later, on November 7. At the time of his death, he owned a $150,000 critical illness (CI) insurance policy, purchased 10 years earlier. Dominic never failed to pay the $100 monthly premium. When he died, the insurer had not yet issued the benefit payment.

How will the CI benefit be treated?



It will not be paid.


It will be paid to Dominic’s next of kin.


It will be payable to Dominic’s estate.


Dominic’s estate will receive a return of premiums.

Question 25

Jordan, a group insurance agent, meets with Nancy, a commercial berry grower in Saskatoon, to renew her company's group insurance plan. When the plan was established four years ago, Nancy had 20 employees. She now has over 50 employees, many of whom are unhappy with the plan. Jordan wants to rectify this situation to everyone’s satisfaction but is not sure how to begin.

Which of the following options indicates the first step that Jordan should take?



Ensure that the plan is a non-contributory plan.


Switch the plan to another insurer.


Identify satisfaction levels with support and turnaround time with claims.


Cancel the company's group insurance plan.

Question 26

Vintage Style Inc. is a clothing company with 20 employees participating in its group retirement and group insurance plan. Premiums for the group insurance plan are calculated on previous claims. If the benefits paid are lower than anticipated, the premiums may decrease at renewal. However, if the benefits paid are higher than anticipated, the premiums payable may be subject to an increase.

Which of the following funding formulas does Vintage use in its group insurance plan?



Non-refund accounting.


Refund accounting.


Administrative services only.


Claims experience.

Question 27

Josephine visits her dentist in downtown Victoria, BC, to have a cavity filled. The procedure costs her $550 but the maximum fee for a standard filling, according to the provincial dental schedule, is $400. Josephine works for a company that offers employees group dental coverage with a yearly maximum of $1,000 and an 80% co-insurance factor.

How much will Josephine receive from the insurer for her procedure?










Question 28

Hana, a 25-year-old personal assistant, recently got a job where the employer offers all employees access to a defined contribution pension plan (DCPP). Hana meets with the group insurance agent, Tom, because she must choose her investments and she doesn't know what she should choose. She is not very knowledgeable about investments, but since the money will only be used at retirement, she wants to invest in a fund that combines stocks and bonds and that is easy to understand.

Which fund should Tom suggest?



Balanced Fund


Bond Fund


Dividend Fund


Target date Fund

Question 29

Leonard and Ashley, a couple in their early 30s, meet with Howard, an insurance agent, to review their investment needs. Leonard earns $60,000 a year as a research physicist, and Ashley earns $25,000 as an actress. They each have $3,000 in their respective chequing accounts. Leonard also has $40,000 invested in his group registered retirement savings plan (RRSP). Ashley has a Subaru WRX worth $20,000 with a car loan of $10,000. Leonard does not own a car, but he has an outstanding student loan of $30,000.

What is the couple's net worth?










Question 30

Owen meets with his insurance agent, Rachel, to review his investments. Owen is interested in segregated funds. In particular, he wants to know more about the reset feature.

What should Rachel tell Owen about resetting his funds?



All segregated funds offer a reset feature.


The reset feature may be automatic.


There is no additional cost for a fund that provides a reset feature.


The reset feature can be used if the market value increases or decreases.

Question 31

Kimeni meets with Orion, an insurance agent, to purchase segregated funds. After assessing Kimeni's needs, Orion suggests an index segregated fund. Kimeni agrees to invest $5,000 in the fund now and $200 every month.

With relation to this transaction, which of the following options is CORRECT about the Fund Facts document?



Orion must deliver the document to Kimeni within 3 days after the purchase.


Kimeni must acknowledge that he received the document.


Orion can only deliver the document to Kimeni electronically.


It is Kimeni’s responsibility to ask for the document.

Question 32

Sebastian is a 44-year-old sales representative employed at Premier Aqua. He wants to take a year off to travel and relax. He has worked for the company for 25 years and accumulated $230,000 in a deferred profit sharing plan (DPSP). He would like to know if he can use some of the funds in his DPSP to fund his sabbatical.



Yes, he can withdraw the funds if he wants to.


Yes, he can withdraw the funds if he gets permission from his employer.


No, the funds can only be transferred to a life income fund (LIF).


No, the funds can only be transferred to a locked-in retirement account (LIRA).

Question 33

Dakota is the owner of Fresh Drapes, a home decoration company. She opened her business five years ago when she quit her day job, took out loans, and put all her life savings into opening herstore. Her business is doing well, so she meets with Tanya, an insurance agent, to start investing for her retirement. After completing a thorough needs analysis, Tanya suggests that Dakota purchase segregated funds and name her husband as the beneficiary of the funds.

Which of the following offers the GREATEST benefit to Dakota by investing in segregated funds over other types of investments?





Maturity and death benefit guarantees of 100%


Professional management


Creditor protection

Question 34

Thien is 56 years old and has recently been diagnosed by his doctor with a heart condition for which there is no known treatment, and which has dramatically reduced his life expectancy. Thien has decided to take early retirement. Fortunately, after 30 years of service working as a credit officer at a local bank, he has accumulated a large sum in his pension plan. Thien's wife supports his decision to retire early. She is 49 and in good health, and plans to continue working and earning a lucrative income at her current position as a divorce lawyer at a prestigious law firm, at least until she reaches 65 years of age.

What type of annuity would BEST suit Thien's needs?



Life annuity with a 15-year guarantee.


Life annuity.


Joint life annuity.


Impaired life annuity.

Question 35

Caleb meets with Miles, his insurance agent, to invest for his retirement. Caleb tells Miles that he will not need his funds for the next 25 years, he is comfortable with market fluctuations, and he would like a fund that mimics the S&P/TSX Composite index.

Which of the following funds will best suit Caleb's needs?



Equity fund


Target date fund


Dividend fund


Index fund

Question 36

Genevieve and Martin, a couple in their 40s, meet with Melissa, their insurance agent, to help them plan for their retirement. Melissa tells them that they would benefit from opening a spousal registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) given their financial situation and discrepancy in theirincomes. The couple would like to know the benefits of opening a spousal RRSP.



A spousal RRSP is a way to move income from one spouse, who has a higher tax rate, to the other, who has a lower tax rate, during retirement.


Contributions to a spousal plan are based on the contribution room of the recipient and reduce his or her RRSP contribution room.


Contributions to a spousal plan can be made until the end of the year in which the older spouse turns 71.


Having a spousal RRSP can extend the tax benefit of contributions past age 71 if the contributing spouse is younger.

Question 37

Vasu, an insurance agent, meets with Francine, his new client. Francine wants to purchase a disability insurance policy. Vasu helps her complete the application form. In the process, he collects all the required medical and lifestyle information on his client and wonders what he must do with the information he collected.

Which of the following options is CORRECT?



Vasu must send a copy of the medical and lifestyle-related information to the insurer, his supervisor, and his client, and must keep a copy in his file.


Vasu must send a copy of the medical and lifestyle-related information to the insurer, his supervisor, and keep a copy in his file.


Vasu must send a copy of the medical and lifestyle-related information to the insurer and keep a copy in his file.


Vasu must send a copy of the medical and lifestyle-related information to the insurer only, and he cannot keep a copy in his file.

Question 38

Coraline is a landscape gardener who owns a disability insurance (DI) policy. The policy will pay her a $3,000 monthly benefit after a 90-day waiting period. She is diagnosed with cancer, and because she has to undergo months of chemotherapy, she will be unable to work. She calls Robin, her insurance agent, to inform him of her diagnosis. She would like to know more information about the claims process.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?



Coraline must contact her agent by phone within 30 days of learning about her diagnosis.


Coraline has 30 days to provide the insurer with all of the information required to process the claim.


The insurer must pay Coraline the benefit amount within 30 days after receipt of the proof of loss.


The payment of the initial benefit to Coraline must occur within 30 days after the end of the waiting period.

Question 39

Surjit and Rajbir got married in 2010, and Surjit named Rajbir as the irrevocable beneficiary of his life insurance contract. In 2017, the couple divorced amicably, and Surjit met with his insurance representative, Ivan, to review his plans. Surjit tells Ivan that he would like to keep Rajbir as his beneficiary.

What should Ivan counsel his client to do?



Surjit does not need to do anything as Rajbir is already the named beneficiary.


Surjit cannot make any changes to the policy without Rajbir’s consent, as she is the irrevocable beneficiary of his policy.


Surjit should name a different beneficiary now that he is divorced.


Surjit should once again designate Rajbir as the beneficiary.

Question 40

Gino, an insurance of persons representative, is cleaning his office and going through old files. He comes across a file from a former client, Nathan, who owned a 20-year term insurance policy that was cancelled 3 years ago. Nathan now has a different representative and Gino no longer has any contact with him. Gino would like to know if he can destroy Nathan's file.

Which of the following options is CORRECT?



Yes, because Nathan transferred his affairs to another representative.


Yes, because Nathan cancelled his policy 3 years ago.


No, because he must wait until the file has been closed for at least 5 years.


No, because he must wait until the file has been closed for at least 7 years.

Question 41

Ontario residents, Juan and Maria, are a married couple approaching retirement. They have asked their representative, Carlow, to review the details of Maria’s defined benefit plan (DBPP).

Which of the following statements about Maria's pension is CORRECT?



Maria would be entitled to an increased benefit if Juan waived his survivor benefit.


Juan would be entitled to receive at least 50% of Maria’s pension upon Maria's death.


With Juan's consent, Maria can choose to reduce the survivor benefit to 25% of her normal pension amount.


Juan will be entitled to the survivor benefit even if they are separated at the time of Maria'sdeath.

Question 42

Which organization provides protection for holders of segregated fund contracts in Canada if the insurer becomes insolvent?



Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation


Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations




OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance

Question 43

Sabrina is an insurance representative with an insurance of persons certificate issued by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). Her client, Stephanie, is a Quebec resident who accepted a job with Service Canada, in Ottawa, and purchased a condo there. Stephanie calls Sabrina to explain that her new job requires her to work in Ottawa three days per week, but she is still a Quebec resident; she spends four days a week with her family in Granby, Quebec. Stephanie asks Sabrina if she can buy mortgage insurance from her to help cover the mortgage on her new condo.

What should Sabrina answer her?



Yes, they can complete and sign the application in Ottawa because Stephanie is a Quebec resident.


Yes, but they would have to complete and sign the application in the province of Quebec.


No, because Stephanie is a federal government employee.


No, because Stephanie's condo is outside of the province of Quebec.

Question 44

Surjit and Rajbir got married in 2010, and Surjit named Rajbir as the irrevocable beneficiary of his life insurance contract. In 2017, the couple divorced amicably, and Surjit met with his insurance representative, Ivan, to review his plans. Surjit tells Ivan that he would like to keep Rajbir as his beneficiary.

What should Ivan counsel his client to do?



Surjit does not need to do anything as Rajbir is already the named beneficiary.


Surjit cannot make any changes to the policy without Rajbir’s consent, as she is the irrevocable beneficiary of his policy.


Surjit should name a different beneficiary now that he is divorced.


Surjit should once again designate Rajbir as the beneficiary.

Question 45

Last week, at a dinner party, Dario, an insurance agent, met Andrew, a successful businessperson with a net worth of over $10 million. Dario spent the evening following Andrew around, telling him how he could help him manage his finances. The day after the meeting, Dario sent a fruit basket to Andrew's office. Every day since, Dario has been calling and urging Andrew to meet with him and take advantage of his services and insurance products.

Which duties and obligations did Dario break?



Duties and obligations towards the public


Duties and obligations towards clients


Duties and obligations towards other representatives, firms, independent partnerships, insurers, and financial institutions


Duties and obligations towards the profession

Demo: 45 questions
Total 150 questions