Which option in the dsmserv.opt specifies the location of the active log directory?
Which statement is true about IBM Spectrum Protect server processes?
What are the steps to review the client logs for a particular node from the Operations Center using the client management services?
Which statement is true regarding the default management class?
An IBM Spectrum Protect administrator checks the daily client's schedules and sees that one client's scheduled backup was missed. What can cause this issue?
Which command sets the randomization setting in order that clients are assigned start times that are randomly scattered across the first half of each startup window?
An administrator wants to give a new administrator permission to only modify retention setting for all policies in a domain including new policies. What must happen?
What are the correct steps for moving the database to new directories?
Which information is provided to the IBM Spectrum Protect administrator by the QUERY DRMEDIA * WHERESTATE=MOUNTABLE?
Which option allows data to be stored offsite as part of a Disaster recovery plan?
What is the purpose of the PROTECTSTGPOOL parameter in the DEFINE STGPOOL command?
To enable the sending of email notifications with SET ALERTMAIL ON, what must be configured first?
An administrator wants to create an IBM Spectrum Protect administrator that can only access a specific node through the web backup-archive client and the local backup-archive client. Which access should be granted?
A power outage has caused a library to go offline unexpectedly. Which command synchronizes the library inventory and the IBM Spectrum Protect database?
An administrator has client owner authority and needs to delete previous backups performed by that node without accessing the IBM Spectrum Protect server. What must happen for this to occur?
What are three purposes of IBM Spectrum Protect for Mail for Exchange? (Choose three.)
To which policy type definition does the following sample policy retention information apply?
Which file is used to add a system-wide client option on an IBM Spectrum Protect client in a Windows environment?
For IBM Spectrum Protect Disaster Recovery Manager (DRM), what is the order of maintenance tasks which are run to complete the DRM sequence daily?