The internal business plane in the lightweight cloud is to provide signaling interaction between the internal business modules of the system
When the control cannot be updated automatically, you can manually remove the historical control and reinstall the new control. 32-bit ndow
In the system, the default storage path of the history control is (
The same resolution, using the H.264 protocol has a lower bit rate than the H.265 protocol
The face enhancement function can capture captured face cutouts for secondary processing of the image, improving face brightness and ratio
If you need to capture high-quality face pictures at night, you need to choose a package with a fill light or install a fill light
Where is the data safe backup data stored?
The service network port of the lightweight cloud is 10GE, so it corresponds to the 10 Gigabit electrical port switch
Which of the following models supports the main camera in a multi-machine mutual assistance scene
It is recommended to install the flash as close to the camera as possible to increase the surface brightness
Multi-select Set a live window as an alarm window. When the alarm linkage live is triggered, this window is used to play the alarm contact.
The live picture, then what operation is Not suitable for this window?
Zookeeper in vCN3010 is only started on the server with the server identity, zookeeper on all servers Real-time synchronization, same data
Video search can allow users to filter based on conditions such as body color and pedestrian clothing color, improving search efficiency
You can use the drawing tool that comes with windows to check whether the size of the captured face meets the requirements. Generally, the left ear is used.
The pixel value from the root to the root of the right ear is straight to see if the width of the test has reached the requirement
When taking a picture, the local snapshot can only capture the live, Not the video playback
Multi-select After the micro mount camera is installed, the inclination of the license plate in the picture captured by logging in to the SDC web interface is
No Level, which of the following license plate tilt angles meet the requirements
The following may be related to the live Huaping failure
Clean the body with a soft, dry cloth. Do Not use volatile solvents such as alcohol, benzene or thinner or strong Research-based alkaline cleaner
CPI supports red light detection between intersection vehicles
Which of the following resolution images is usually the clearest?
Which of the following resolution images is usually the clearest?
After the micro-mount camera is installed, the stationary objects in the picture are clear and the moving objects are blurred.
Take the following measures:
VCN500 is a low-cost vcn device using the embedded ARM platform
Multi-select which sub-businesses the perimeter invasion includes
What kind of RAID is generally used for system disk
In VCN3010MPU cluster mode, if one of the mPu fails, all services on this server will be handled by other servers.
take over
There is No requirement for the installation distance between the two cameras linked by guns and balls, and they can be installed separately at two
In a video surveillance system. The commonly kNown domain city is the physical domain
x3221-CL is generally installed in indoor corridors for face recognition
X1221-CL can be installed outdoors if it is Not equipped with a cover
Multi-selection The support installation methods of the barrel include
Where to set server time during lightweight cloud installation
In the VCN3010 stacking mode, tasks are automatically scheduled according to the load of each server, which ultimately makes the entire system negative.
Load balance
When the micro bayonet camera monitors the lane scene, the installation height of the camera should be at
c1 which version of the client corresponding to audits3000, list framework
What is Clouds3000's network design tool
What is Claudius3000's Network Tool
Cloudivs3000 The default binding mode of two 10GE optical ports is
When the client cannot log in, which container may it be related to?
Multi-select VCN can recover data by
Camera models that support multi-machine mutual assistance need to load the multi-machine mutual assistance algorithm license to obtain the function of multi-machine mutual assistance
What protocol does the front-end camera's smart metadata connect to the platform
SiMs software can import feature libraries, which do Not contain face pictures
IP66-rated cameras have higher resistance to mechanical impact
In VCN3010, the admin user can set the multi-point login number of admin itself on the client