What are the characteristics of the HyperMetro for Both SAN and NAS supported by the OceanStor V5 series? (Multiple Choice)
Which advantages does Dorado V3 have in the VDI scenario? (Multiple Choice)
2200 V3 is the only product that supports SmartVitualizartion among entry-level storage products.
What are the competitive advantages of the HyperSnap feature supported by the Dorado V3? (Multiple Choice)
Which are the advantages of Dorado V3? (Multiple Choice)
The OceanStor F V5 series all-flash storage supports both tiered storage (SmartTier) and intelligent caching (SmartCache).
2200 V3 supports HyperCopy and HyperSnap, which are both included in the basic software suite.
Which CPU model does OceanStor 5300 F V5 use, Intel or ARM?
What are the performance-optimized technologies of the OceanStor F V5 series? (Multiple Choice)
The built-in BBU/CBU and the coffer disks can protect against cache data loss in the case of unexpected power-off.
Which type of backup copies the minimum amount of data?
2200 V3 is an entry-level storage product of Huawei. 2200 V3 with 32 GB cache supports both SAN and NAS.
Which sizes of cache can be used in the OceanStor 5500 V5? (Multiple Choice)
OceanStor F V5 series and V5 series can migrate data from heterogeneous third-party storage devices without interrupting services.