In FusionAccess R6, what is the correct statement about infrastructure virtual machines?
What is the function of FusionSphere OpenStack OM?
(Multiple choice)
Which of the following statements about the agentless antivirus feature of virtual machine desktops in the desktop cloud is wrong?
In the FusionSphere cloud DC scenario, the following must exist before creating a routing network:
Which virtual disk type is used by Fusioncompute to connect to the cloned virtual machine's differential disk:
Which of the following descriptions describe the Huawei Desktop Protocol HDP correctly:
In Huawei desktop cloud, FusionAccess management monitoring interface can view the desktop virtual machine: (multiple choice)
Which of the following is a concept introduced by Huawei during the FusionSphere installation process, combining components of the same nature or similar functions,
Put together
Which of the following environments cannot be directly connected to ManageOne ServiceCenter 3.0? A. FusionCompute
B. FusionAccess
C. vCenter
D. FusionSphere OpenStack
In the full-memory desktop solution architecture using shared storage, the disks stored in the shared data storage are (multiple choice)
The VDC model includes:
(Multiple choice)
In the overall deployment of OpenStack single-machine room modules, which of the following components is in the correct proportion: (multiple choice)
Which of the following options is the main function of Nova:
When configuring vLB, you need to configure the WI address and the floating IP address. Which components does this floating IP address belong to?
Which of the following fusionstorage networking methods has the highest network bandwidth
Which component or software cannot be connected to ManageOne OperationCenter?
The hosting mode in desktop cloud DaaS operations mainly refers to the provision of online self-service for governments, large and small enterprises and institutions.
The USB pass-through implemented by Huawei's computing virtualization has a cost relative to the use of separate USBHub and USB over IP technologies. . . .
A virtual firewall is a physical firewall divided into multiple logical firewalls, each logical firewall can independently serve the enterprise
Services, provide proprietary
The network environment realizes independent security protection.
Which of the following statements about linked clone virtual machines in Huawei desktop cloud is correct?
When a hard disk in fusionstorage fails, the system will automatically start the data recovery process, and calculate the data in the hard disk through the verification disk.
Capacity and restore data on another empty hard drive
Virtual image management system support features include thin allocation, snapshots, and storage hot migration
Cinder provides an interface for back-end storage devices. Different module device service vendors provide drivers to integrate OpenStack
Convert operation to storage operation
Cloud computing has gradually become the preferred solution for IT infrastructure construction
FusionStorage snapshot data adopts the ROW mechanism when storing, and the snapshot will not cause performance degradation of the original volume
What are the correct operations during the desktop cloud installation process?
To deploy an application to an existing virtualization platform, as an implementer, the most important thing to pay attention to is:
Virtualization is divided into a few sentences such as virtualization, bare metal virtualization, and hybrid virtualization, etc. Since a few sentences of virtualization are easy to implement, they have become mainstream
Commercial virtualization
The following statement about the host group in FusionSphere OpenStock OM is wrong ()
Which of the following is the role of DHCP in the Huawang desktop cloud?
The Huawei desktop cloud solution supports process login on mobile terminals using Android, ios and other operating systems
What functions does the Swift role provide in FusionSphere OpenStack?
When a user uses a linked clone desktop configured with icache, the data will be read first when it needs to read:
Which components of the HUAWEI CLOUD desktop do not need a network card to belong to the business plane?
In the desktop cloud user virtual machine, there are virtual machine automatic diagnosis tools and automatic log collection tools, which are convenient for users to handle or
Phone log
Fusionsphere is closed, there is no open API interface provided to the outside world, and it cannot be connected with third parties
In the HUAWEI desktop cloud virtual machine, you need to turn on the Windows firewall when creating a template
The FusionCare information collection process includes:
1 Set the collection time period
2 Select the collection node
3 Perform log collection
4 Select a collection item
5 Processing the collection results
The correct order is:
Which of the following descriptions about the logical network planning in FusionSphere OpenStack is correct: A. Limited to the network integrity requirements of the control node, the business network that the control node cannot deploy
B. The management network needs to be interoperable with the external-om and external-api network, and the external-om needs to communicate with each other.
externalapi network layer three interoperability
C. The control node supports access to IPSan and FCSan
D. Several physical deployments of the database, and its network card is connected to the external-om plane
Among the following responsibilities in the ManageOne OperationCenter, the contents of the supervisor's work are:
Which of the following comparisons between domains and OUs is incorrect?
Which of the following descriptions of Domain0 design principles are correct:
Fusionsphere's management nodes can be deployed in virtual machines, reducing deployment costs
Three virtual machines share a CPU thread, the main amount is 2.86GHz, the resource of VM1 is reserved for 1000MHz, and VM2 and VM3 do not reserve resources.
The quota of VM1 is 1000, the quota of VM2 is 2000, the quota of VM3 is 4000, and 2000MHz is displayed on the three virtual machines. When the CPU usage rate of the three virtual machines is 100%, the CPU resource bit of VM3:
The corresponding relationship between storage concepts in FusionSphere is (multiple choice)
Desktop cloud supports abnormal data recovery of management nodes
When deploying FusionAccess's infrastructure virtual machine, if the management plane, service plane, and TC access planes are different from each other through up to
What is the number of network cards deployed?
Using row-based snapshots, new write operations on the original disk are stored in the log (and indexed). When reading the source volume, the log is retrieved first. When reading the snapshot, the source volume needs to be retrieved.
To be quoted, when the snapshot is cancelled, the log writing must be executed in full to ensure that the data status of the source volume is updated synchronously
Network virtualization provides L2-L7 network services
The purpose of virtualization is to virtualize and run one or more virtual machines on the indoor machine through the use of a virtual manager
The VIMS heartbeat plane is a Layer 2 network and does not need to communicate with any other planes.
Which of the following technologies can alleviate the boot storm of linked clone virtual machines in the Huawei desktop cloud?
bbs.hh010.comA. Personal vDisk
B. iCache
C. Full copy
D. GPU pass-through
In ManageOne ServiceCenter, the metering function of VDC can provide calculation of total quota and quota usage.
It is not necessary to configure extemal-om network when deploying ManageOne Servicecenter on a single node.
Before distributing virtual desktops, you need to create multiple administrator accounts in AD to initialize the configuration in FusionAccess.
Time docking
FusionAccess and allocated to virtual desktop use
The resource allocation and load scheduling of OpenStack are mainly reflected in that it can adjust the resources in the resource pool according to the needs of users
Rationing different rents
Users, carrying different applications.