Examples of res gestae evidence are statements:
One quality requited of an investigative finding is that the finding:
Witnesses should be questioned in descending priority, as follows:
One of the mam differences between public sector investigation and private sector investigation is:
A Professional Certified Investigator (PCI) is conducting an internal theft investigation A subject has been identified and mote people may be involved The PCI wants to use human and electronic surveillance techniques to investigate further The PCI's next step is to
Confirming legal problems, potential conflicts of Interest, and undisclosed affiliations or identities are all aspects of which type of investigation?
One of the best positions for the undercover operative in a business is inwhich department?
An investigator isasked to conduct surveillance ofa local unions organizing activities. The investigator should advise the prospective client that
Subsequent reports that are added to an initial investigative report are called:
Which of the following is considered to be incorrect procedure when seizing a computer to obtain evidence?
"Skimming" is best described as:
if criminal activity occurs within the enterprise, the Interest of the private sector may be best served by:
Which step of the intelligence collection cycle includes activities such as determining how the intelligence can be best used?
When evidence is collected, garments containing blood or other liquids should first be:
Basic rules surrounding evidence collection are to:
What term is given to testimonial evidence presented in court?
A forensic entomologist may be called upon to determine an approximate time ot death when:
Mobile vehicle surveillance is generally the most:
Al MINIMUM which of the following digital devices should an investigation unit have at their disposal?
When an interviewer is seeking a confession, it Is most important to:
Which of the following can be used to mark property that has been stolen and later recovered so its rightful owner can be identified?
The ultimate test of a good investigative report is that the report:
A deceptive person is more likely to:
What is the purpose of link analysis?
Evidence thattends to prove a point of an issue is best defined as:
Which statement best describes the value of employee hotlines in the private sector?
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of an interrogation?
Primary reasons to protect investigative information include the potential for all of the following EXCEPT:
Anything thateffectively negates or reduces the ability of an adversary to exploit information or vulnerabilities is called:
formation considered to be indirect is:
Allowing an accounts payable clerk access to the vendor master file so the clerk can add or delete names is a violation of which of the following fraud prevention practices?
An electronic access control record reveals that at the time or a computer theft, an employee was m the vicinity. The record would be considered
Another term for an interrogation is:
Tool marks are categorized as which Type of physical evidence?
An undercover operative should "quality" each subject targeted to buy Illegal drugs to:
Which of the fallowing is an exception to the hearsay rule?
Undercover investigations should only be chosen as a preventive measure when no other alternatives are available and when
in an undercover investigation, the major reason to Involve legal counsel as part of the management team is to:
in the FBI's Computer Analysis Response Team programs, the two-pronged approach to forensic examinations consists of investigations and
A subsidiary fact from which theexistence of the ultimate fact in determining whether guilt or innocence may be inferred is whichof the following kinds of evidence?
What is one of The three 'i's?
In regards to posture, a truthful person is more likely to: