Dangerous Permissions can cause real harm or damage to user’s Personal___________.
Which of the following is NOT true about package attribute of manifest tag?
Which permission listed below is a normal permission?
Which of the following is NOT true about theme attribute?
grantUriPermission is the child element of which tag?
Which of the following is NOT the event that is notified by LocationListener when getting the user's location?
Which of the following classes is used to find out the DRM plug-in available in a device?
Which of the following can be used to share a component among applications written by same author?
Which of the following is NOT true about the “killAfterRestore” attribute of the <application> tag?
What are the options that Android offers to store a text file
Application can send permissions programmatically.
Broadcast Intents is a mechanism which allows messages to be sent to
What is the reason for using Permissions in application development?
Signature Permissions are granted automatically if and only if?
Which of the following is correct about application level permissions?
Which of the following is NOT true about the “enabled” attribute of the <application> tag?