Adding a Slider widget in a Flutter app interface should be used to select multiple values at the same
You can add or import a new font to your Flutter by pasting this font file in a font folder in your Flutter project without needing to declare this font file or the font folder in the pubspec.ymal. Is this correct ?
The image in this question includes a part of Android Studio tools bar.
Which of the following choices is correct about the missing icon name (represented by question marks)?
As illustrated in the image in this question, to get the Text value: "Welcome" in this app interface, you may configure the Text widget as a child widget of the Container widget in the following code:
But, you should replace the XXXXXXXXX with one of the following choices. Which of the following is the best answer ?
Assume that you designed a Flutter app as illustrated in the image of this question. When you tapped the "Bottom Sheet" button, you got a bottom sheet including the text "Welcome to Android ATC".
But, you were not able to tap the "Test Button" button in this app interface when this bottom sheet was
Which of the following choices about the type of this Bottom Sheet Widget is correct?
You may add a lot of properties to your Container widget such as background color, size, padding, margins, borders or the shape of text, and other properties.
Firebase offers two cloud-based, client-accessible database solutions. Which of the following choices is a Firebase database type?