Who will receive the most benefit from a master schedule of the Spring Highway project?
What is the relationship depicted between Activity G and Activity H?
When resource leveling craft labor for a critical path schedule, the scheduler
What is the workweek period for this project?
Which is NOT an industry-recognized methodology for quantifying critical delay?
Assuming that you had only one crane capable of 30 lifts per day, 3 column pours requiring 28 lifts each, plus associated assorted work requiring an additional 150 lifts, what is the minimum planned working duration for this work?
In an earned value-based system, a schedule performance index of less than one for the project indicates the project is:
How much Total Float does drafting the product manual have?
Midway through the project you received an executed change order for this project, adding thirty-three days to the contract for weather delays. In its simplest form, how would your next project update display the changed condition?
Each column must be poured in one day. Each column requires 2,000 cubic feet of concrete. The lift bucket has a capacity of 40 cubic feet. How many lifts will be required per column pour?
Activity durations are normally estimated in an intuitive and subjective way. All of the following will improve duration accuracy EXCEPT
Assumptions made during the planning stage should be_____________.
How could the structural steel drawing delay have been prevented?
The expected remaining cost needed to complete an activity, group of activities or the project is the____________.
Project schedules help control all of the following EXCEPT for_____________________.
Using the "normal" schedule, theoretically construct a hammock for activities 6001-6003. What is the duration of the hammock?
What is the cycle time?
Which of the following will always describe the critical path? The path with
At the end of month one, did the delay to the parking structure foundation delay the project?
A driving relationship is _____________________.
Which of the following is NOT required when performing weekly or monthly schedule updates?
If after calculating a schedule an activity exhibits negative total float, which of the following is certain? The activity
Select the most appropriate explanation for use of a winter/wet weather seasonal calendar for use in this project?
Determine the correct formula and date for the late finish for Activity 9004.
Theoretically construct a summary activity for activities 6001 through 6003. Identify the governing predecessor and successor activities for the hammock:
Assuming conventional finish-to-start relationships, to calculate a schedule retaining the existing logic means that
Project delays are best analyzed
The sum of all budgets for work scheduled to be accomplished within a given time period is the ____________.
Which of the following options is NOT a feasible method to reduce the overall completion time of the toll road program?
Why does activity 11001 not show successor activities?
The addition of which of the following relationships would cause a logic loop?
What is the result of a forward pass calculation?
If the administrative constraints for developing the precedence diagram, as provided in the contract documents, indicate that no individual construction activities shall have a longer duration of two months, how many activities in the "normal" schedule would be affected?
When using a detailed estimate as the basis for work package/activity durations, which element does NOT need to be identified before the activity durations can be calculated?
The BEST reason to use multiple calendars is to:
Assuming activities 2001 through 2004 comprise the same WBS element, construct a WBS summary activity for activities 2001 through 2004. Use the normal schedule, what is the cost of the activity?
There is only enough room for a maximum of 4 cranes to be placed on-site. Assuming that a single crane can perform 35 lifts per day and that a column pour requires 60 lifts, what is the minimum number of tower cranes that should be used for the above described column pours?
In order for a claimant to be entitled to an extension of contract time for a delay event (and further to be considered compensable):
In a "crashed" schedule, which is a chain of activities that precede activity 2004?
Which of these letters, symbols or words best approximates the graphical shape of a project's cumulative BCWS?
SUBCO is a potential concrete bridge contractor based in a metropolitan area 300 miles away from your project. They have offered to supply manpower and equipment t BILCO at a per diem rate of $3,000 above their direct labor and equipment rates. In doing a cost benefit analysis, which of the following is NOT a consideration?
In a graphical earned value analysis, what time-scaled value determines the reporting intervals for both schedule and cost performance?
Budgeted cost of work scheduled is _______________________.
Which of the following is NOT required when initially planning a project?
Which of the following parties is NOT a stakeholder of the Spring Highway project?
Using the "normal" schedule, what is the early finish date of activity 10002 and its total float?
Using the crashed schedule, if you start Activity 2002 on 12 August 2021. what is the finish date for Activity 2002?
The data date or status date of a schedule represents the: